【溫馨提示:此拍賣會非保真專場,落槌后不受理退換貨,請自行鑒別新老品相謹慎參拍】【估價】100-200【尺寸】H: 1 5/8, Dia: 9 1/2 in. (H: 4.13, Dia: 24.13 cm. (largest))【來源】加利福尼亞州聖巴巴拉Toms夫人收藏;藏品由其祖母Loraine Fleming Culberson於1908年至1940年居住上海期間購得;附藏家手冩來源説明;本次拍賣Lot46至57,Lot164至166來自同一藏家【品相】一只盤口沿有兩處磕及兩處裂,盤底有炸;另一只盤口沿有兩處磕,一處磕并一處釉裂,總體品相良好【介紹】One with blue and white decorated lip and center, and four-character mark to underside; the other with iron-red ‘dragon and phoenix’ motifs circling a central flaming pearl, and peach and bat mark to underside. (2).
藏品信息 鑒定結(jié)果

藏品名稱: 礬紅彩龍鳳紋盤
藏品斷代: 清·道咸
價格趨勢: 價格趨向上漲